




How to lightly tap and relax the muscles while stretching them

Stretching is not enough to loosen up the muscles.This is a problem for people with stiff bodies.I understand this because I have a stiff body too.Inspiration for the Tapping and Stretching MethodI’ve been trying to find a way to relax my muscles.

A couple of years ago, I realized that vibrating the muscles during stretching.I realized that vibrating muscles during stretching loosened up muscles much more than the conventional methods.So, I started asking my patients.I have been teaching patients and others how to tap the muscles they are stretching with their hands, and have confirmed its effectiveness.





Stretch the muscle and tapping the area where you feel the muscle stretch.Position yourself in a way that stretches the desired muscle, and when you are stretching.Tapping on the area where you feel a pulling sensation.Tapping where you feel a pulling sensation when you stretch, or where you feel pain when you stretch a little harder.

When tapping, the strength of the stretch should be when tapping, the strength of the stretch should be a little stronger than a comfortable stretch.

Tapping should be done about five times.After tapping five times, return to the original stretching position.Put yourself in the same stretching position again and check for muscle loosening.If the muscles are not too loose, repeat the same position.If the muscles are loose, change the position slightly and perform the tapping stretch.

In order to loosen up the target muscles.Change the position slightly, and you may want to do it two or three times, changing the position a little and the intensity of the stretching a little.

It is recommended to do this two or three times.




How to tap by part

For the lower limbs, lightly clench your fist and tap with the palm side and the little finger side with a snap of the wrist.Rhythmically tap with a comfortable strength.For the lower back and buttocks, lightly clench your fist and tap with the back of your hand.For the side of the waist, tap with the palm.For the shoulders and arms, lightly clench your fist and tap with the palm side, palm, or karate chop.

Strike the shoulders and arms rhythmically and with a comfortable strength.For the neck, use a karate chop.Strike the neck rhythmically and lightly with a comfortable strength.




そこで私は膝を曲げて、膝を胸に着けておいて、お尻を浮かす、「クラウチング スタート ストレッチ」を考案しました。膝を曲げて、膝を胸付け行うストレッチに「ジャックナイフ ストレッチ」がありますが、これは両側のハムストリングスを同時に伸ばそうとするため、硬い方には不向きです。

また、トレーニング用ゴムバンドをストレッチする筋肉の部分に巻いてストレッチを行う、「コンプレッション ストレッチ」も考案しました。この方法は、筋肉に圧迫を施すと、筋肉が緩むのと筋肉の伸長時の痛みを抑制する効果があってストレッチの効果が上がるものです。このような筋肉を緩める方法を考える中でタッピングストレッチ法を発想しました。

I had previously published a book titled “Stretching to Make Your Stiff Body Surprisingly Soft.This book was written because I thought that people with stiff bodies needed a stretching method that was tailored to their needs.Most stretching books are written by soft people, and there were no stretching books for hard people.Stiff people need a way to stretch that does not cause trick motions.

For example, to stretch the hamstrings (muscles on the back of the thigh)For example, to stretch the hamstrings (muscles on the back of the thighs), a soft person can do a forward bend with the knees extended.

However, if you have stiff hamstrings, you risk injuring your back in this way.However, if you have tight hamstrings, you risk injuring your lower back in this way, because you are forcing your hips to bend forward while trying to extend your hams.

So I bent my knees, kept my knees to my chest, and lifted my hips.I invented the Crouch Start Stretch.The “Jackknife Stretch” is a stretch where you bend your knees and place them on your chest.The Jackknife Stretch is not suitable for stiff people because it tries to stretch both hamstrings at the same time.Another stretching technique is the “compression stretch,” in which a training rubber band is wrapped around the muscle to be stretched.

I also invented “compression stretching,” which involves wrapping a training elastic band around the muscle to be stretched.This method is more effective as it applies pressure to the muscle, which relaxes the muscle and reduces pain when the muscle is stretched.This method increases the effectiveness of stretching.In thinking of ways to relax these muscles.I came up with the idea of the tapping stretch method.













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